Senator Pryor asks for Spending Cut Suggestions! Here are a few!(Part 26)(Royal Wedding Part 10)

Another bad group of tornadoes heading to Central Arkansas tonight. Yesterday eight people were killed in Arkansas.

Senator Mark Pryor wants our ideas on how to cut federal spending. Take a look at this video clip below:

Spendthrift politicians and runaway spending. Is a balanced budget amendment the answer? Professor Williams looks at the situation. (He argues for law banning spending over certain limit of GDP, not for the balanced budget amendment.)

Wall Street Journal columnist and FOX News contributor John Fund talks to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy about the 2010 elections and their implications in Michigan as well as the evolution and impact of Alternative/New Media on the political landscape in Michigan and beyond.

Mark Pryor may have seen the light concerning cutting federal spending, but I still have my doubts because I know he is still very close to all those liberal Democrats. Sometime I wonder why the Democrats can not see the light concerning the need to cut spending and attack the huge federal debt. Below is a portion of an article by John Fund of the Wall Street Journal that was published on April 20, 2011:

About That Speech

Mr. Obama’s budget speech makes more sense when one realizes that his sinking poll numbers indicate an erosion in support with his liberal base.

 At first glance, President Obama’s partisan speech last week attacking GOP budget proposals was precisely what an incumbent running for re-election shouldn’t do. It was not a speech designed to appeal to independent voters, a group Mr. Obama has suffered serious erosion with.

But Mr. Obama’s tone makes more sense when one realizes that his sinking poll numbers also indicate an erosion in support with his liberal base. 

The more that Mr. Obama feels he has to haul out class-warfare rhetoric and avoid offering serious proposals to stave off a fiscal crisis, the more he is endangering his standing with independent voters who remain unsettled by a sluggish recovery. The latest Gallup Poll pegs Mr. Obama’s support among independents at just 35%. Right now, Mr. Obama is more concerned with shoring up his liberal base than with wooing independents. That’s a sign of weakness.

Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund speaks to Americans for Prosperity Illinois, Part 3

Senator Pryor has asked us to send our ideas to him at and I have done so in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Here are a few more I just emailed to him myself at 3:57 pm CST on April 26, 2011.

In my past posts I could have been accused of giving just general ideas of where to cut. Now I am starting in with specifics that are taken from the article “Federal Spending by the numbers, Heritage Foundation, June 1, 2010 by Brian Riedl. He notes:

  • The Legal Services Corporation, which is supposed to provide legal services to the poor, has repeatedly ignored warnings to stop spending its money on alcohol. It also funds limousines, first-class airfare, and “death by Chocolate” pastries for its executives.
  • The Department of Energy spent nine years and $153 million on an obsolete cyber-security project that was supposed to safeguard America’s nuclear weapons information.
  • The stimulus set aside $350 million for a national broadband coverage map—even though one private firm stated it could create one for $3.5 million.
  • Fannie Mae—now backed up by taxpayers—paid $6.3 million in legal defense costs for ousted executives such as Franklin Raines. An additional $16.8 million was spent defending Fannie Mae’s regulators in litigation against the former executives.
  • The Census Bureau spent $2.5 million on Super Bowl ads, and on-air mentions by sportscasters.
  • New documents reveal that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) lost 1,000 computers in 2008. Not to be outdone, Homeland Security officers lost nearly 200 guns in places like restaurant restrooms, convenience stores, and bowling alleys. Several of the guns ended up in the hands of criminals.
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    Attending a Wedding

    Princess Diana wearing a pink outfit at the wedding of her former flatmate Carolyn Pride and William Bartholomew, London, September 1982. (Photo by Jayne Fincher/Getty Images)

    Part 7

    JULY 29, 1981: Prince Charles kisses his bride's hand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in London July 29, 1981.

    Associated Press

    JULY 29, 1981: Prince Charles kisses his bride’s hand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in London July 29, 1981.


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