Senator Pryor’s office is taking spending cuts seriously according to email response

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The Debt Bomb: A Decade of DC Spending is Driving America Closer to an Economic Apocalypse

Alexis Garcia reports on America’s exploding debt. Experts blame entitlements like Social Security and government spending. But what is the solution? Can we raise taxes without crushing the economy and the middle class? Does Obama really want to lower the debt, or does he support continued deficit spending? See interviews with Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Brian Riedl, Jason Peuquet and former Congressman Ernest Istook (R-OK).


The hits on my website have taken off the last two months since I have taken up this subject of potential federal spending cuts and the suggestions that I have passed on to Senator Mark Pryor’s office. I received this email below from Senator Pryor’s office concerning my earlier emails to his office concerning possible federal spending cuts:


May 24, 2011

Dear Mr. Hatcher,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the fiscal policies of the federal government. I appreciate hearing from you.

Like many Arkansans, I am deeply concerned about current spending levels and our ever-growing national debt. I have consistently said that everything must be on the table when it comes to reducing our debt and deficit, and I mean it. I have introduced legislation to eliminate ineffective and unnecessary programs, and I am prepared to use my position in Congress to further reduce wasteful spending.

As a nation, we have been living beyond our means for a long time. I believe we can create a long-term budget plan that significantly reduces our national debt while maintaining adequate funding for our nation’s priorities. This challenge must include reducing spending, addressing entitlement programs, and reforming the tax code. Balancing the budget will require both parties to work together to achieve this goal.

Hearing from Arkansans such as yourself helps me to make better decisions, and I will be sure to keep your specific comments in mind as I continue working to come up with better fiscal solutions for the American people.

Again, thank you for contacting me. I value your input. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my office regarding this or any other matter of concern to you.

Mark Pryor
United States Senate

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Please Note, this is not a monitored email account. Due to the sheer volume of correspondence I receive, I ask that constituents please contact me via my website with any responses or additional concerns.


Below are some of the previous posts I have made about Senator Pryor:

Senator Pryor asks for Spending Cut Suggestions! Here are a few!(Part 54)

 The Debt Bomb: A Decade of DC Spending is Driving America Closer to an Economic Apocalypse Alexis Garcia reports on America’s exploding debt. Experts blame entitlements like Social Security and government spending. But what is the solution? Can we raise taxes without crushing the economy and the middle class? Does Obama really want to lower […]

Balanced Budget Amendment the answer? Boozman says yes, Pryor no, Part 32 (Input from Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute Part 4)

Mark Levin discusses the two amendments needed to re-establish Constitutionalism as well as other things that need to be done to fix the issues facing the nation. Mark is brilliant at keep his eye on the objective and does this every night on This excerpt is from 1/27/2011. Steve Brawner in his article “Safer […]

Senator Pryor asks for Spending Cut Suggestions! Here are a few!(Part 55)

Senator Pryor asks for Spending Cut Suggestions! Here are a few!(Part 53)

Senator Pryor asks for Spending Cut Suggestions! Here are a few!(Part 52)

By Everette Hatcher III | Edit | Comments Off

Balanced Budget Amendment the answer? Boozman says yes, Pryor no, Part 31 (Input from Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute Part 3)(Milton Friedman worked with Senator Hatch on amendment)

Mark Levin interviews Senator Hatch 1/27/2011 about the balanced budget amendment. Mark is very excited about the balanced budget amendment being proposed by Senator Orin Hatch and John Cornyn and he discusses the amendment with Senator Hatch. Senator Hatch explains the bill it’s ramifications and limitations. Senator Hatch actually worked on this bill with renowned […]

Balanced Budget Amendment the answer? Boozman says yes, Pryor no, Part 29 (Input from Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute Part 1)(Milton Friedman past posts)

By Everette Hatcher III | Also posted in Cato Institute | Edit | Comments (0)

Balanced Budget Amendment the answer? Boozman says yes, Pryor no, Part 28 (Input from Norm Coleman, former Republican Senator from MN)

Balanced Budget Amendment the answer? Boozman says yes, Pryor no, Part 27 (Input from Newt Gingrich, Mike Coffman)

Debunking White House Pro-Tax Increase Propaganda This Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation mini-documentary debunks White House pro-tax propaganda with a point-by-point rebuttal of a video narrated by Austan Goolsbee of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. Steve Brawner in his article “Safer roads and balanced budgets,” Arkansas News Bureau, April 13, 2011, noted: The […]

By Everette Hatcher III | Also posted in President Obama | Edit | Comments (0)

Balanced Budget Amendment the answer? Boozman says yes, Pryor no, Part 26 (Milton Friedman tells us how to stay free Part 5)

By Everette Hatcher III | Also posted in Milton Friedman | Edit | Comments (0)

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